Monday, February 27, 2012

Wrapped with love

Ribbon of a sweet, tender nature to wrap special gifts found here.
I would like to keep a woven ball of it handy for wrapping last minute gifts.
On black gift wrap paper I think........ maybe white?

Hope your week is off to a sweet start.

photo via Etsy

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The stars that come out tonight

This movie isn't on the Oscar list tonight, in fact it went barely noticed when it was released in 2008 and from all accounts the reviewers hated Fireflies In The Garden, to them it was just another story about dysfunctional families. But ask me................and I will tell you this story had me in tears not easy and wondering how it slipped my notice for so long. I can tell you this, I found Fireflies which was just released on itunes this week to be much, much better than The Tree of Life which is up for best movie this year and also happens to be about a dysfunctional family I think, I never was too sure what this movie was about to tell you the truth. We weren't alone, people were leaving the movie way before it ended. But enough about that. It is Oscar night, that perfect mid-winter diversion, a dazzling peek into the world of movie stars and fashion. The night of movies we loved and the ones we didn't.

After the red carpet fixation on fashion I always get to thinking about the movie stars themselves, how some years they shine so bright, such good parts, such good notice. How other years they are bypassed to someone shiny and new. As much as we love our movie stars, it can't be an easy life with all the ups and downs, and constant expectations from every direction. I always hope that movie stars don't define themselves or their lives on the shiny and bright found at Hollywood & Vine. But I suppose like the rest of the world striving to be the best in their craft, some do and some don't. When I finished Fireflies In The Garden, I reread the words to the Robert Frost poem below that is the title of the movie and the source of Fireflies most heartrending scene and I true, especially when it comes to movie stars on the brightest Oscar night. They are just like us, they just get to shine brighter now and again for all the world to see. And when they do in a great movie or at the really is like seeing the magic of Fireflies on a warm summer night. Enjoy the show.

   Fireflies In The Garden

Here comes real stars to fill the upper skies,

And here on earth come emulating flies,

That though they never equal stars in size,

(And they were never really stars at heart)

Achieve at times a very star-like start.

Only, of course, they can't sustain the part. 
                        Robert Frost

photo via google

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Other embellish

It's a free form necklace, no a belt. We weren't too sure but I guess it should be either but as you know I tend to see everything as a gift wrapping embellishment, in this case something braided with flowers to wrap around a bottle of gift wine. It is no wonder my husband thinks I have the most expensive shellac manicures in the world, my salon happens to have a lovely array of very affordable accessories which easily make their way into my invoice/purse on a bi-weekly basis, whether they be to wear or wrap in today's case. Anyways, back to the wine. Is it just me or is there a lack of cool wrapping choices for when a nice bottle of wine is your gift of choice? What if I wanted to give a bottle along with a gift of money to a bride and groom? A bottle that would perfect to open on the night of their first anniversary? How would I wrap it? I think I would use that romantic braided belt/necklace just as I have shown and there we are.........a special presentation.

Photo by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Florals in Gift backwards approach

One day I tell you to wrap gifts in floral boxes and the next I tell you to wrap florals in gift I all backwards or what? My son always has me embellish cellophane wrapped floral bouquets, he thinks this extra level of presentation scores him thoughful guy points with the ladies and maybe it does.

I do think over wrapping the cellophane does bump up the wow factor a bit so I am happy to do my motherly duty, being that he is still single. I do what I can to help him along. This paper wrapped bouquet does work best with a thicker paper so it stays stiff when adding all the ribbons. This paper is one of those fiber papers that holds it rolled shape. I wanted to keep the ribbon selection simpler but my son wanted the wanted the full nine yards literally

Thank you to readers who left such lovely comments this week
and a gift wrapped thank you to new followers.

Photos by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sugar & Sweetness ............for Valentines Day

I haven't done a frou frou type of gift wrapping since the holidays............a presentation way over the top in sugar & sweetness. I spent part of my  weekend printing out mararon style papers, hunting down my hidden stash of pastel Ladurée ribbon, and my aim was to go high on the sweetness scale for a friend's group birthday gift, one of those significant birthdays that require major spoiling. As it turned out, I think it's level of sweetness is perfect for Valentine's Day. 

Now to get these lovelies in a box that doesn't squeeze the sugar out of the paper to speak. I lined up the 6 wrapped gifts in 2 long white floral boxes, 3 gifts in each box. These simple boxes are the perfect way to arrange multiple gifts, no crushing of ribbons and quite the gift wrapped effect when the lid is removed and pleated tissue opened. When the event is special, I look to give the party girl a bit of oooh and ahhh, that's what makes the effort worthwhile. 

Of course, the recipient will anticipate long stemmed flowers but so far I have never had anyone mind that the box was filled with gifts instead and I use this long, slim box quite often. Though I order these in quantity online you could ask your friendly florist to sell you a few when needed for this type of presentation. Or don't forget to save them if you happen to receive some long-stemmed romance today. 

A monochromatic handwritten paper as my printer was running out of ink fast with printing out all these colourful macarons. 

I even tried a pleated ribbon medallion with a leftover piece of hand-dyed silk ribbon...........and as you know I am not a crafty gal but it worked. I have been asked if it is a bit crazy to put this much effort into wrapping gifts in this would only be crazy if it didn't make the recipient feel so indulged and all the ribbons can be ironed and re-used. If it enhances someones special day, I am all for being the crazy one. But that's not the bad kind of crazy, is it?

Bring out the pastels, satin and silk ribbons, pearl ribbon, faux fur ribbon, paper flowers, soft tissue and crystal hearts. In other words, bring out the pink.....and girly attitude, no matter the age. 

The bright orange was my macaron paper favorite and I used it as a lid cover so the bottom box colour became part of the packaging. I think it added a nice saucy jolt to all the pastel tones. 

The bevy of gorgeous gifts for the beautiful birthday girl is a group effort, the gifts selected by the "best shopper" in our group, the "baker" bakes the sinfully rich chocolate iced cake, another makes the reservations, and I do the wrapping even though I am far from the best wrapper in the group. All of our good wishes are ready to be covered with layers of pink pleated tissue and closed up. Yes, believe it or more wrapping step. 

When you use a floral box, you can fuss up the outside as little or as much as you want............either way these slim boxes works really well for a presentation method. You can even get alway with just layering your gifts unwrapped in the tissue (clothing, books, diamonds). This is an older photo of the box as I didn't get a finish shot and no logo label on a birthday gift but you get the idea. 

Have the sweetest Valentine's Day!
I am all for sugar & sweetness......any day of the year. 

Photos by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The romantic and artistic story of Missed Connections

When I ran across this story this morning, I just knew I had to share the clever inspiration behind the work of Etsy artist Sophie Blackall. Watching the charming video and following her artistic story and where it has lead kind of gives you that warm and cosy feeling...............sort of like what Valentines Day does for the hopeful and unattached. That something wonderful can happen if you just look up and make a connection. Anyways, I am telling you too much and I will send you over to the blog Miss Moss to watch the video and read the post about artist Sophie Blackall and all those Missed Connections. Simply charming.............and romantic I think. 

Photos via Sophie Blackall-Etsy

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Buzzzzzed..............over these gift boxes

Clever little circus tents to gift small treasures at an adorable 
Gift presentation with big top appeal.

Photos via The Inklings of Tess

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gift Wrapping...............with 18th century romance

When this gorgeous 18th century French engraving print was given as a gift to readers of French Essence, many of us went over and eagerly followed the instructions to download our own printable size file copy. The personal engraving was generously shared by David Terry, a most amicable reader of French Essence and has a wonderful history and story attached which you can read here on his website. It will be absolutely gorgeous when printed out on high-quality paper and framed to enhance it's lovely nature. The pampered pet subject certainly fits in this household and it really does look like Daisy with her little hair pouf and all. I have the perfect spot for it. But in the meantime............I just couldn't help but see it as a most fabulous gift wrap. Do you agree? 

While I was at the printers with my handy flash drive and romantic gift wrapped notions in my head, I had them print out quick working copies of some of my favorite images strictly for personal blog and wrapping use as I am immersed in developing a few gift wrapped "notions" which I hope to share soon. The base paper is a aged image of antique letters which I printed on a larger 11" x 17" sheet, a perfect base for the smaller top image of a faded but most beautiful dress trimmed in the style of the last century, it appears to be on a wooden mannequin. Unfortunately, I do not have the source for this image so if anyone does please pass it along so proper credit can be linked. Isn't it lovely?

Photos by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life


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