Wednesday, March 23, 2011

hello sunshine................where did you go?

Have you noticed we are all a bit more impatient for sunshine this year? Or more specifically bright and beautiful yellow? As I was working on this post this morning, I noticed more than a few blogs showing yellow and I had to chuckle...............seems we are collectively craving some sunshine. Hello sunshine, but where did you go? Until it comes back...........some bright and beautiful yellow, and other colours too.

Ahhhhhh....................I feel better now. 

A sunny welcome to new followers and readers this week.
You make my world much brighter.

Kate Spade Image 1 and 3 by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life/Image 2 via Flickr/Image 4 by Justina Blakeney of Compaiblog/Image 5 via Pinterest


  1. Aaaahhhhh.......I feel better now too! Thank you for the splash of sunshine! It was soooooo needed and welcomed!

  2. great post! and yellow does actually work in cheering one up, how amazing is that =P!
    speaking of which, what a coincidence that i also featured yellow in my blog today
    and yes it's true - we're all impatient for the sun to come out and stay and spring to last!

  3. Love yellow...such a happy and uplifting color~ really makes you feel happy...and I could use a dose of it right now, been a so so day and its snowing AGAIN in NY....ugh.
    Thanks for this bright ray of sunshine!

  4. I ADORE yellow - my fave happy color for a happier me!! Just stumbled over your blog, and have forgotten dinner, kids bedtime and husband!! I love it and have got to follow you - I hope you come and see me sometime - maybe you'll like mine too;O)
    A xx

  5. I was just writing about the need for light on my blog yesterday, too. It's been a long, cold winter! Thanks for this wonderful yellow lift, Sande! xoxo

  6. That's so funny, I have just finished tomorrow's post about...yellow! It makes everybody happy which can only be a good thing. Love from London xo

  7. Aaaaah!! I spy the Kate Spade striped dress that I am coveting for the younger thinner version of myself!!! In sunny California, we are about to start building our ark!!! Lots and lots of Spring rain, but the green green grass is loving it!! Kathysue

  8. Yellow is such a HaPpY color.... thanks for brightening my evening!

  9. Love yellow, grew up in a yellow house, worked in a design studio/house that was yellow and my current house is yellow. Can't get any brighter outlook on life than that...yellow got to have it.

  10. Dear Sande,
    Your post makes me SMILE, feel WARM & be HAPPY!! Thanks for the boost of Bright Yellow Sunshine!
    p.s. I'm off to steal your bottom image!!

  11. Sande,
    That Kate Spade window display is the perfect balance of yellow, white and sprinkles of orange! I can see why you snapped these pictures!
    I hope your sunshine has returned.

  12. Yellow is my favorite color! I love the hand bags!!

  13. How fun to see these bright colors. Incredibly, down here in Texas, we have just turned our air on. I was holding out but the humidity!


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