Monday, March 21, 2011

Fuschia Faves...............and random musings

A gorgeous gift. 

Some day I will bring out those calligraphy pens again.
And practice, practice.

One of my Paris floral photos. Such a tender bloom.

Chanel. Coveteur. For Grown Up Ladies.

For Little Ladies. Armani Junior.

Have you noticed nail art is making a comeback?

Summer. Prada

Fascinated with artist Maira Kalman. Her drawings, her musings, her monthly blog for the NY Times, go see here

More summer. Oscar de la Renta.

This is how I imagine our brains must look. All the faces we have seen and known. 

Fuschia Louboutin

I have promised my son that I will not dress up our dog in any way.

Statement Piece.

Truly Magnificent. 

Another floral photo I took in Paris last September.

Final day in Paris, something I ran across this morning. My back had finally given out and I reclined on a stone bench while my sister-in-law went in to Monoplix and I looked straight up and saw this. Perfect. Done.

Photo 1, 10, 14 via Tumblr/Photo 2, 6, 12 via Pinterest/Photo 3, 15, 16 by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life


  1. I love the jolt of colour and especially your images taken in Paris.

  2. Ah, de la Renta! Would love to have it.

  3. Nice of you to share those fushia finds...
    Lovely ♥

  4. Fuchia is my favorite! The cyclamens are out in the Parisian flower shops as we speak.

    La Mom
    An American Mom in Paris

  5. I love these fuchsia finds and your photos from Paris. Absolutely lovely and just what was needed on this gray Monday!

  6. Dearest Sande,
    So pretty! The funniest thing is I had a dream just last night that an old friend/neighbor of mine who I so seldom see anymore knocked on my door and handed me a large fushia box and tied with a black ribbon!!! I didn't remember this dream until I read your post...I think I will call her today:) Thanks for this beautiful post as always~

  7. So much pretty. The type on the books is amazing. That would be a lovely gift for anyone!

  8. Fucshia is the second non-primary color I taught Amelia (second to aqua) and she has been able to identify this colour for quite some time.
    Monday, while standing in the check out line at the supermarket, a woman was talking back and forth with Amelia and asked Amelia "What color is your sweater?" When Amelia paused and then replied "Fuschia" The lady looked at me, raised her eyebrows and said "Mommy, you're doing a good job with her."
    Needless to say, the color fuschia reminds me of my little sponge who is ready to learn anything.


  9. I burst out laughing with that poor dog in bunny ears...strict instructions Sande, from your son no less :)

    The last shot is great, I can picture you "reclining" on that stone bench!!

    much love DJ
    ps that pink book with inscription is just beautiful.

  10. me again..your comment made me laugh...mmm very much more than a romantic interlude indeed ;) I think we were intruding.

  11. Absolutely stunning... however, I'm not sure about the poor little dog with the ears!!!!!

  12. love. beautiful color that is an instant pick me up :)

  13. I'm back! Computer issues resolved.

    I love this color....may I have that Oscar dress please? It would look so good on me!

    Went for a ride today....wish you were here!


  14. Oooooh! Design, fashion & lovely wrapping ~ I've found the perfect blog!

  15. Wow! Awesome photos! Thanks for the inspiration!

  16. I have a little crush on fuchsia--always have, always will, and your photos seal the deal. That sofa with all the faces over it: I want it! What a great post, Sande, and that last photo you took is a stunner! xo Gigi

  17. Gorgeous color to start my day...the french chest is fabulous!!

  18. I love the birdie - that's my favourite picture!! Thank you for sharing!

  19. SO beautiful and energetic! Pinks and fushias are all about fun. I'm glad you are keeping your promise to your son about not dressing up the dog . . I don't think he'll notice. LOL

  20. I'm not normally a fan of fuschia - but you may be changing my mind - such beautiful shots - all!! I've been threatening to take out the calligraphy pens as well - that invite is gorgeous!!

  21. re comment. That is sooo funny, I know what you mean about the scary chicks.

    I often think I need a curfew on my commenting too...especially on friday, sat nite, if you know what I mean :O

  22. That is so interesting , and unusual type of post. I was just lost in the rich colors of the pictures, specially in your pink theme. Also the sky is looking so deep and so inspiring in the last picture. Amazing sharing dear

  23. Sande ~

    every image is divine, but the pug/bunny endears me. i'm partial to those pug-nosed sweet little 14 year old puglet is snoring in my lap as i (try) to type.



Your comments are such a lovely addition to my day. Thank you.