Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Twirl...............fashionable gift bags re-gifting

Fortunately, if you wish to glam up your gift presentations with magazine images as I showed you in my last post, you don't have to be overly-handy with a pair of scissors. Look for images that require less cutting. When I found this dramatic image in a Vogue editorial, it went right on top of my clipping pile. As you know, I don't often use gift bags but I loved how this most striking image worked to re-gift and re-cycle two of the fashion world's most stylish store bags.

I always think that gifting between friends should be fun. Not only would they delight in the fact that you re-gifted a store gift bag, I always find it inspirational to see how people collage. This technique is strictly that, having fun with images, recycling stylish store bags, and using images that your friend will enjoy. Capturing their personality in the gift presentation. 

Along with photography and illustrations, keep your eyes open for interesting typefaces. Sometimes I cut out the whole heading, sometimes a single word as I did with twirl. I actually took a few images off this set, the image and red typeface on this pattern seemed more than enough. 

As you may remember I used this new style of a Kate Spade bag before for a re-gifting post and that larger, lower corner logo gives me a bit more of a challenge. I used my new wider grosgrain ribbon in hot pink (with red velvet) to cover part of the logo, leaving the embossed New York to add a bit of gold bling.

I did sneak a pink magnolia back in.........happy cutting.

All images by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life


  1. Wow Sande, thats an awesome idea. I had never thought about that, but I think I might start doing that!!
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Have a great week!

  2. All wonderful ideas. I was wrapping my daughter's gifts over the weekend and tried to incorporate some of your ideas. Wonderful.

  3. First time to your blog and I am loving it (came here from Paris apartment) I absolutely adore this idea! (I have boxes filled with magazine clippings) x

  4. Sande,
    You always have the greatest ideas. I love creating the gift presentation almost as much as the gift giving. You have such a way of taking everything over-the-top - the 'wow' factor times ten. Thanks for sharing your creative talents. Rita

  5. I want a gift wrapped by you! xo

  6. These are some wonderful ideas, I love it! You truly have an amazing blog =)


  7. Love all of these ideas especially recycling beautiful paper, and love the Vogue image you found! ~ Joanie Ballard, MAISON de BALLARD

  8. Perfect for a fashionista friend!

  9. The plaid bag looks fabulous with that Vogue image- a perfect match.
    I also keep beautiful store bags-Ann Taylor Loft has beautiful bags around Christmas, and Anthropologie, well, everything they do is awesome.
    I've never thought to use these as a gift bags though. Looks like I have learned another wonderful gifting technique from the best teacher!


  10. What a great idea!! And love both options - each striking in its own way!!

  11. Sande,

    I appreciate your creativity. In this times it appears creativity is back in Vogue and we need to know that and share great ideas. This ones fabulous!


  12. So so creative. You have the best ideas!

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  13. I love the idea of using great fashion (or possibly interiors?) shots for gift wrapping and the colours are fantastic. Actually, I think you'd be impressed with my lovely man who spent half a night creating a special gift wrap on his computer for my birthday.

    I hope you're well and Spring might be on its way where you are... Love from London xo


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